Data & Analytics
Global Technology Services
Cloud Infrastructure Management
Core and Corporate Systems
Transform senior living through innovative digital technology solutions enhancing care, quality, operational excellence, and safety for residents and staff.
Achieve innovation through modernization, digital transformation, and seamless integration of core health insurance systems.
Automate pharmacy management and member services to drive efficiency and enhance patient outcomes with data-driven insights.
Transform senior living through innovative digital technology solutions enhancing care, quality, operational excellence and safety for residents and staff.
With the OwlHealth&Care Business Intelligence
Suite for Senior Living
Harness the power of BI tools and data-driven insights to tackle your care quality challenges in senior living. Our state-of-the-art Business Intelligence (BI) suite unlocks actionable clinical insights that will enhance your decision making and help you improve quality metrics, proactively prevent adverse incidents, reduce infection rates, improve infection control and more. Excel care quality and measures with BI and analytics, by harnessing the power of your connected data.
Intelligence for continuous monitoring and in-depth visibility of census patterns
Discover if occupancy rates are moving in the desired direction and, compare census to baseline/budgetary expectations
Census level visibility with comparison to capacity and forecast - by all combinations of location, unit, room type, etc.
Review census and occupancy levels across any combination of filters (period, location, units, etc.).
Identify specific patterns of lower census by room type or by location/unit and room types.
Intelligence to continuously monitor and track Per Patient Day (PPD) ratios
Discover if PPD is the desired range with comparisons to baseline/budgetary expectations.
By all combinations of location, shift, day of week.
Review PPD across any combination of filters (period, location, units, etc.).
Discover if these ratios are moving in right direction.
Provide visibility into patient/nurse ratios to nurse managers with Year-to-Date (YTD) and Month-to-Date (MTD) tracking.
Intelligence to detect and report patterns of hygiene non-compliance and drive improved infection control strategies
Synthesize session-level data to enable time-series based rate calculations.
Combine IoT sensor data with other data sources like staff characteristics to allow for drilldown over multiple dimensions.
Drill down hierarchically to identify patterns of non-compliance, identify combinations of employee characteristics, location characteristics etc. that can inform non-compliance.
Non-Compliance flags (for hand washing) - generate notifications to shift supervisors.
Process and analyze large volumes of IoT data across your organization to track adherence to infection control measures.
Intelligence to monitor, measure and evaluate the program effectiveness of partner-enabled holistic resident well-being programs
Leverage at-a-glance KPI’s and enable on-going performance reviews and adjustments to your program.
Slice and Dice
- by multiple dimensions including location, and participant characteristics.
Track trends longitudinally
- track participant level progression over time
Derive measures statistically
- translate from raw effectiveness scores to percentiles for selected test-based measures.
To all relevant stakeholders including senior management, program administrators and across partners.
Deep-dive into resident specific survey responses for enabling course correction in the program.
With automated data capture, all the program KPIs and resident inputs are available for your team at their fingertips powered by our automated data capture capability.
220 Old New Brunswick Rd, Piscataway 08854
Tell: 908-755-0010
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The great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness no one rejects dislikes avoids pleasure itself because it is pleasure but because know who do not those how to pursue pleasures rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful desires to obtain.
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