Strengthen Strategy &
Financial Planning​

With the OwlHealth&Care Business Intelligence
Suite for Senior Living​

Harness the power of BI tools and data-driven insights to tackle your strategy and financial planning challenges in senior living. Our state-of-the-art Business Intelligence (BI) suite unlocks actionable financial insights that will enhance your decision making and help you in improving working capital, profitability, and more.

Data-Driven Strategic Financial Decisions​

Empower strategic efforts with ‘What-if’ intelligence capabilities to navigate fast evolving senior living industry dynamics ​

Dynamically project firm health over a 10-year horizon

including revenue growth, operating expenses, P&L, cash requirements and much more.​

Ability to granularly model 20+ parameters including operational indicators

like capacity, occupancy, room rates by room type as well as macro-economic parameters like inflation expectations, investment returns, etc.​

Simulate the impact of business model switches

from Skilled Nursing (SNF) to Independent Living (IL) to Assisted Living (AL) to Memory Care (MC).​ ​

Track unit costs and unit revenue trends

Capability to normalize volume drivers and to better communicate revenue and expense projections​.

‘What if’ scenario planning

Compare baseline (input parameters based on current thinking) to modeled scenarios (e.g., Capability to Stress test).​

Empower CFOs and teams to simulate a variety of scenarios

Present specific options using advanced visualization to your board, senior management and investors.​

Improved strategic decision making​
Optimized growth investments​
Improved profitability​
Improved cash flows​
Trusted by the World's Best Companies
Talk to our experts or schedule a demo

Corporate Headquarters

220 Old New Brunswick Rd, Piscataway 08854


Tell: 908-755-0010


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